It's been a while since I last updated on the film, but despite the hiatus, it has been a whirlwind behind the scenes. And finally, I can say I have some exciting news! The Permaculture Ethics bonus video is coming! I am super excited to share this news. It has taken many years of battling my own thoughts of how to bring this topic into a film and Corona Virus didn't help make it any easier, with shooting being a problem outside of Western Australia. But, after much angst, I decided to re-boot an old film that never made it to public viewing and that was Yondee. Yondee was an indigenous short film we shot with Shane Hansen, a Nyoongar from the Bibbulumun Nation with Geoff (my twin brother) back in 2017. We originally shot it to be alongside a bigger project for the Witchcliffe Ecovillage in the south west of Western Australia, but unfortunately the project fell through and we were left wondering what to do with the footage.

We decided to make it its own standalone film and so, I spent months editing trying to make it into its own film, but it just didn't have a strong enough story by itself. When we originally shot it, we were focussing on information topics to compliment the Witchcliffe story, but we didn't have a strong story with Yondee. Until, now!
If you've been following, in my last post I mentioned have been studying a Masters Degree in Craft Editing online in London and I am finally nearing the end of my studies. It just so happens one of the last projects of the course is to create our own project. All year I've been eagerly waiting to get stuck back into Permaculture The Documentary and finally I have the chance to put my new skills to the test.

When I looked through all the transcripts and rushes (Video) for the film, I knew it would be a great opportunity to create one of the bonus videos. It was clear to start with the most fundamental topic of Permaculture and that was the ethics. Seemed pretty straight forward, until I looked through what I had. David Holmgren and I had gone through enormous amount of detail about the backstory of how Permaculture started and working with nature, but what we actually didn't talk a lot about were the ethics. I was a bit bummed at first, knowing that it was such a fundamental aspect that we didn't cover, but in just a few sentences, David said something that was really interesting and it suddenly became apparent that I could possibly make this work.

David explained that the Ethics of Care of Earth, Care of People and Fair Share were originally from traditional cultures connected to the land they were from. And, it was then I realised, this could be told through Yondee's story.
So, there you have it. The Ethics is being cut, edited and crafted as we speak. If you have donated $50 or more to Permaculture The Documentary film, you are in for a treat! This will be the first bonus feature content to be released to supporters! If you have donated under $50, or haven't donated and wish to grab yourself a seat you can still donate or add-on to your original donation and score yourself a front row viewing. Click here to donate All proceeds go towards making the film.

I can't wait to share this next chapter. In the mean-time, I will continue to update you with more info as it comes and future updates. Thanks for reading!