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Episode 11: The beauty of the Peanut Tree

Our latest episode of Home Grow'n has released. This is a shorter episode about the Red Fruited Kurrajong tree. As the fruits have ripened over summer, Craig tastes them for the first time. Find out how they fair by watching the episode here:

The Red Fruited Kurrajong "Sterculia quadrafida" is a native tree to northern Australia and New Guinea. The common name is The Peanut Tree. Our tree is roughly 4/5 years old and has been grown in a pot and this is the first time it set flowers and fruit. The flowers appear in late Spring (November) or Kambarang season here in Perth, Western Australia. The flowers then grow into two oval shaped cups then eventually turn red in Januray/February (Bunuru season). Inside, you'll find between 2 and 8 little black seeds. After removing the black skin, you then remove the brown shell and reveal a creamy nut which is edible and tastes very similar to peanuts.

The greatest thing about this is, it's a tree. The beauty of trees is once they are planted and begin fruiting, you will have fruit and nuts almost indefinitely. Unlike their vegetable mates, which require re-sowing, composting preparing every year.

Get yourself a tree. Their bloody brilliant!


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